Difference between Hacker and Cracker


This was the first thing I came to know about hackers.. I was thinking that hackers were people who break into security systems, crack passwords…etc. But I was totally wrong!

I came to know that crackers and hackers were two different group eventhough they do the same thing. Just like good guys and bad guys (don’t know whether this term suits them coz they too are good at times).

The following a extract from a article which I noted.

“The main difference between a hacker and a cracker is that: A Hacker build things, and a Cracker break them.
Hackers are a group of experts who solve problems and they belive in freedom and voluntary help.But crackers are people who call themselves as hackers, they break into computers and mobile networks(phreaking).”

This might be true. But I don’t think that crackers cannot always be considered as the villans. There are good people in crackers also. Some people out there who have helped the common people by cracking softwares and other stuffs which the owners refused to give its source code. Ya.. I’m talking about Open-Softwares. I really admire it and whole heartedly support it. I will discuss about it in my later posts. But don’t get me wrong that I’m supporting the crackers who break into security and sell others secrets for money. I still fantasy about the cool hackers out there. Hope you too do the same.